In the last year, I have very much been stereotyped into "The guy who's obsessed with Superman". I just want to come out and clarify: You're probably right. (Notice the subtle "Superman colors" of this blog...) However, it's not what you think.
It's not so much that I love Superman, it's that I love Smallville. For whatever reason, I have, in the last 7 years, latched on to that show hard core. Also to clarify, I've never read comic books. Ever. I've always been a movie and TV show watcher. That's why I'm perfectly fine with all of the X-men movies. Anyways, everything I know of the superhero world I know from movies and TV. Yes, I may look something up and know facts about random stuff, but it's usually instigated by something I've seen on these said shows or movies.
So. Why Smallville? In my time away from home in the last year, I've learned a lot about myself. I've learned things I don't even know about yet haha. But one thing I've learned is that I'm somewhat insecure. I don't like change that much. When I switched from my private Christian school to high school, I went into a depression. Now changing from high school to Ecola wasn't too hard, just because high school wasn't fun anymore and Ecola was the greatest place on earth, hands down. And the switch from Ecola to SMT wasn't that bad, but it was still hard. But the switch from Ecola/SMT to Michigan has been rough to say the least. As I said, I don't like change.
But the three things that have stayed completely the same in my life have been God, family, and Smallville. However, as life goes on, the dynamics of family changes. We kids grow up, we get closer or not closer to siblings and parents, and the landscapes of the way life goes is constantly changing. But even my relationship with God has changed, gotten better. My room mate mentioned yesterday that the times you're closest to God is when you first accept Him and when you're about to die. I couldn't disagree more! My relationship with God has dramatically changed over my life, especially in the last year. So, strictly speaking (yes God never changes, I know, but..) my relationship with God has changed.
(Now I feel like I'm saying that Smallville is higher on the totem pole than God. THAT IS NOT TRUE! Trust me, God is bigger and better than anything... that what my next blog will be about :) )
So. Why Smallville? Why does it mean so much to me? Because it's been one of those things I can go back to to feel normal, to feel like life isn't as crazy as and bad as I think. (Which is ironic because the show is about a very abnormal boy and the most extreme life circumstances ever!) I started watching it in the latter parts of season 3, right before the amazingness that is season 4. And it remained there going into high school. And, as I entered Ecola, I started watching it again for a second time through the series, only this time, I got Benton Trerise addicted to it, along with several other guys who lived in AD Dorm. So many memories revolve around Smallville from Ecola. Watching it in Keith and I's room till all hours in the morning, making random references throughout the day, and, of course, the infamous occasion of watching it in the AD Dorm bathroom. :) While this was happening, I was also watching the tenth and final season, loving it cause it was so amazing, and also hating it cause NO ONE ELSE AT ECOLA was watching it with me, therefore I couldn't tell anyone about the twists and turns of that "fateful" last season. During the summer, I had no access to anything nerdy, which sucked. My SMT group was the most opposite of anything nerdy EVER! Which was good for me, because it forced me to throw that off for 8 weeks in order to serve God more. But when I got back home, I have to admit, I started watching through again, picking up in season 7 where Benton, David, Keith, and I had left off 4 months before. And it was great! :) Then I moved here to Michigan. Life has started to settle, and this week I introduced David (Buttons) to Smallville. How did he react to it? Well, let me put it this way: We started a week ago, and we're already 1/5 through the second season. So now, I'm going through the series a third time, while finishing up my journey through it the second time, at the same time.
So I'm going to film school. I love to look for details put into scenes, background, and plots of movies and TV shows. Smallville is no different. The most exciting thing I've found watching through the series this third time is finding plot points I've never seen before. The first time you watch through, you like it cause it's a cool story. The second time through, you seen the random plot points you missed the first time. But this third time through? Man... this show is all about the details! I see thing that connect across SEASONS. The biggest thing I've noticed is how amazing Lionel Luthor's character is! The first couple seasons, he just seems like a mean, heartless businessman, but after you learn what he really truly is down the road, watching his character in those first two seasons proved that the creators knew who he was all the way at the beginning! And THAT is amazing plot development!
Also, another cool thing that I've noticed is that Smallville has so many examples about life and how we should be living. When ever I talk to someone about life, where I've been, and where I'm going, I always seem to quote Smallville, especially season 10. Season 10 is the completion of our heroes journey, but at the beginning of the season, he still has a long way to go. Let's just say that by the finale, he is truly Superman. And it takes some deep psychological and moral discussion to get to a point as truthful and justified as the Man of Steel. I've often wondered why I can relate to Smallville so well. Now, after taking Story class here at CCCA, I know why: It's the heroes journey, a journey we're all on!
Another thing that David just mentioned about the show is it really is characteristically solid and unwavering. The plot of Heroes is so up and down, so crazy! But Smallville's plot is all about Clark Kent's journey to becoming the man and hero that everyone knows today. Yes, they have to add twists and turns to keep you addicted, but really, the show has a solid foundation, so you don't get your heart or brain ripped out because you don't know what the heck could be coming next for our characters.
So ya. This is only scratching the surface of what I know about Smallville. And I could talk about it more, but I don't want to give anything major away (besides, wait for it... He becomes Superman!). This show has a special place in my heart and life because it's solid. Because it's immovable in this constantly changing life. Yes I'm a nerd, but it also feeds my hero complex, my desire to see everyone in this world to know Jesus, my longing for everyone to be saved from their sins.
Well, this is John Friend signing off, at least for now :)
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