Dreams for our lives. We all have them, or at least have had them at some point.
We grow up all looking to people beyond and above ourselves, and we aspired to be like them. As boys, it's firemen, policemen, superheroes, etc. (I don't know what exactly girls consistently aspire to be, but girls reading this will understand what I mean.) As we grow older, our dreams start to change, turning into things that line up more with who we are growing to be. Then, so many, there's a dead zone at about the middle of high school where we have no idea what we want to do. Some come out of that quickly, some don't figure out what they want for years after that. I was blessed enough to figure it out during my senior year.
Film. Movies. TV. Most people can't even imagine all of the work that goes into media, and thus they take it for granted. And that's ok! Media has two extremes to being there. On one end, it's there to be art. And on the other end, it's there to just entertain. Some what to think too much about it, and some what to not think about it at all.
I desire to tap into both sides of that spectrum during my life. I want to go out and make films that people can enjoy, that will wow people, that will take people to a place they have never been before. I also want to make films that make people think about their lives, what sort of consequences their actions have, and about who we are deep inside. Most of the movies we see today are shallow and story-less, only really there to make money. I hate that. I want to bring back good story telling, to bring back life to Hollywood. People don't even realize that when they attend 'Transformers' and 'Twilight', they are feeding the machine of soulless crap that has taken over Hollywood. I want to show the executives that we need good story and good characterization back, that we need to have a reason to make films besides the shallow reason of making money.
I desire, above all, to bring glory to God. So many think that Christianity is irrelevant to life and culture, that it's all just a crutch. I assure you it's not. It's a lifestyle. It's a lifestyle that, if approached in the right mindset, is more grounded in reality than most non-Christian thinking. And that's all we need to show the world: That God knows what's up and wants to help us through this life. He wants to guide us to Himself, but we have to let Him.
As Christians, we come across to the world as "in people's faces".
That's not what we're meant to be. We are meant to reflect God's love and show people the good news that He has for them.
So that's my dream. I write this today for not only you, but for myself in the future. I can't wait to see how God changes me to more like the man he wants me to be, and to be more like Him. I can't wait look back years from now, see what God has done in my life and the lives of others around me, and return the praise to Him! :)
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